Thursday 1 December 2011

Client Project

Egh...Im behind with this client proposal because I just can't decide what I want to do!!!

I made myself formulate some kind of storyboard tonight, so this is the result. The Character is based off some imagery on the side of one of their bottles. I think I'm going to opt for 'little big planet' style again (following my sim client) and further inspiration can be seen below.

Hopefully my Client Tutorial tomorrow will help clear things up =)

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Context 3: Exhibition

At the moment, these are going to be my 5 images for the exhibition. There are still two I will change if I have time, but for now, thats it! At first,  I was having a little trouble creating images that would compliment my aspirations to be a compositor, but I think I should be able to justify my choices in the rationale:

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Simulated Client

My final comp for the simulated Client. I don't like the voiceover...but hey, who likes thier own voice...

Apart from that, i'm very pleased with how it came it was a definate improvement on the first attempt. There's always some changes i would make, but for now, I need to crack on with my research and context 3!

Monday 24 October 2011

(Sony) Two Worlds

So for now i've decided i want to be a compositor. I found this pretty interesting:

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Sim Client WIP 2

New Sim Client Animation (WIP)

NTU Cancer Research 2 from Jaz Worrell on Vimeo.
Draft Comp 2 for my Simulated Client (WIP)
3rd Year Multimedia at Nottingham Trent University

Monday 17 October 2011

Sim Client WIP

This past week has been quite an eye opener for me as I've had to make some decisions on exactly where I want to work in the future. As an animator?, a modeller?, a hair and fur expert?
Originally I thought I hadnt really given it a chance with a professional rig...but I'm still not certain about that. At the moment I'm quite interested by Compositing and VFX (Within the film industry), so maybe i'll head down that route.

Anyway, here's some progress with the sim client. It's not exactly what I was aiming for, but it's a start. The animation is sooooo poor...but as i said, in the long run, thats not what I want to do anymore. Any feedback would be nice =)

NTU Cancer Research from Jaz Worrell on Vimeo.

Draft Comp for my Simulated Client WIP
3rd Year Multimedia at Nottingham Trent University

Thursday 13 October 2011

NTU Alumni :: Animation WIP

Work in progress with the NTU Alumni project:

Wednesday 5 October 2011

BB Torch

Thought I'd do a cheeky bit of modeling today to get me back into the groove. It's not finished, but I got bored =)

Pretty happy with it for a quick model session, but it reminded me I need to do a lot of work with materials to get to where I want. Stay tuned. =)

Tuesday 24 May 2011

DP3 - Review and Rationale

6400 Frames, 8 consecutive days of 3DS Rendering and a Happy Student!

I've finally finished my DP3 Animation, making it the longest piece I have ever worked on in my chosen field. After much deliberation and lack of work following my original idea (Iron Man 2), I decided to change my plan last minute, about 4 weeks ago, and create something based on Frankenstein!

As you can imagine, this was not an easy decision, however I no longer had any enthusiasm or promise for my teddy bear heroes and wanted to start from scratch.

I immediately began research from the brief and the book...brainstorming characters, plots, scenes and environments. The main inspiration for the style and approach to my animation came from a short called PIVOT, as I liked the 'blocky' effect, and so decided not to smooth my own characters.

Originally, the plan was to texture for realism, but this new method required something different. Films such as 300 and Sin City best reflect the option I chose; selective colour and strong imagery.

Comparing this piece to my 'Bots and Bananas' animation, there is most certainly improvement. I tried to focus on being able to connect with the main character, share his emotions and perfect his movements. This is what let me down in DP2, so I wanted to make a more honorable effort in DP3.

Overall, I am reasonably happy with the final animation. Obviously my own imposed time restraints of changing my idea hindered my final outcome, however It's something I can learn from and act upon in Year 3.

If I was to undertake this project again I would focus on creating stronger storyboards, and incorporate more scenes where I could include post render effects. I liked using After Effects, but would definitely attempt something harder next time.

Good luck to everyone else, and Roll on Summer! =)

Friday 18 March 2011

March Update

Right, so I can't really get around the fact that I have not blogged in quite a while. This weeks been pretty busy with a variety of things, and there's been a whole host of things stressing me out...but I've got some targets set for Easter that need to be hit on time!

My Context 2 work seems to be going well, but there's still a few things that I am unsure about. Bit late now you might say...but the majority of the work is done:

Material Library:

The progress of this module however now seems to be shadowed by my serious lack of work for DP3. I don't know what it is, but I've hit a brick wall not being able to make things look how I want them to...and as a result have done nothing to it in a good few weeks. I have a partially modelled environment, and partially rigged characters...but if I'm perfectly honest it looks mediocre. (Putting it politely):

(This Screenie is fine, its the work im not showing that im worried about!)
By friday I NEED to have sorted this out as Easter has been set aside for animation.

Alongside this, I have been working on my submission for the DISNEY INTERNSHIP, a LOGO ANIMATION for a worldwide company, and some MODELLING WORK.

Stay tuned =)

Friday 18 February 2011

Context 2

My Portfolio work in progress:

The main image is from my robot animation and now plans to be an interactive flash interface. My work was originally going to 'slideshow' across, however the feedback from the seminars suggests I make it more interactive.

Anymore feedback would be greatly appreciated. =)

Furthermore, if you are looking for hosting, I would recommend:

I'ved used them for years, theyre cheap and you get cpanel inclusive.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Transformer in Progress

Well, strangely enough, its been a while since i last posted on here as I've been working quite hard over the last few weeks. I dont want to give too much away as im still refining some details of the scenery and script, but here is a screenshot of my little USB robot.

Things have changed slightly as I wanted to give myself a bit of a challenge so have decided to model a Mouse-BOT Transformer. No idea how this is going to turn out, but at least there is progress. =):

As you can see, it's been rigged and im having a lot of fun 'transforming' the beast!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Environment: The Creative Office

I decided to begin modelling my office, and thought I would base one of the desks on my own. The following renders are of some work in progress...and ive added in my lil USB bot to show scale etc:

That keyboard was a nightmare!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

The Revised Project

So yesterday we had our DP3 Presentations. There were a few areas of my idea that were a little 'shaky', and the feedback from the session has allowed me to develop a stronger understanding of what is required, and what I can do.

I will still be working from the Iron Man 2 script, however my storyboard has changed slightly. The animation is set in a creative office where one individual makes cute, cuddly toys, and the other, metallic robot drones and creepy creatures!!!!

After the lights go out, the toys come to life and begin to harass the two 'poor' bears sat on the desk. They are chased to an unknown area of the office where an epic battle ensues. That's the basics...but hopefully I can post some visuals soon.

Anyway, to start things off, I began modelling a teddy bear last night for one of the roles:

First model for one of the lil USB drones:

An Idea of scale:

Thursday 13 January 2011

Project 2

So, this is the start of DP3 Project 2. Wow, it's going to be a good one!

Ive been contemplating all Xmas over the film / clip that I would like to work from. The ones provided had some great potential, but didn't inspire me enough.
After a lot of consideration I think I have finalised a scene from Iron Man 2 to conceptualize in my own way. I have a lot of ideas for this piece, and we have a lot of time to make it our own. From the first animation project last term, i learnt a lot, and plan to produce a 3 minute animation I am truly proud of!
The following clip I found over Xmas is the sort of work I would love to produce in the future. It has inspired me to make this next project the best I can, and i hope to create the same beauty within this in my own work:

ShapeShifter from Charlex on Vimeo.

So I went home from the lecture yesterday totally pumped about this project. I got to work on one of the here is a render of some work in progress. =)