Thursday, 13 January 2011

Project 2

So, this is the start of DP3 Project 2. Wow, it's going to be a good one!

Ive been contemplating all Xmas over the film / clip that I would like to work from. The ones provided had some great potential, but didn't inspire me enough.
After a lot of consideration I think I have finalised a scene from Iron Man 2 to conceptualize in my own way. I have a lot of ideas for this piece, and we have a lot of time to make it our own. From the first animation project last term, i learnt a lot, and plan to produce a 3 minute animation I am truly proud of!
The following clip I found over Xmas is the sort of work I would love to produce in the future. It has inspired me to make this next project the best I can, and i hope to create the same beauty within this in my own work:

ShapeShifter from Charlex on Vimeo.

So I went home from the lecture yesterday totally pumped about this project. I got to work on one of the here is a render of some work in progress. =)


  1. that was stunning m8, absolutely unreal!
    like the idea too man good stuff

  2. Thanks mate. =)
    Yeah I keep watching it, its incredible!
