Following, you can see where and how each of these were used within the one shot short project:
We all sat down at the beginning of the task and brainstormed all of our initial ideas and insights. Alongside this, we looked at some of the work made from students the previous year, as well as articles and other movies we could find on the internet.
Not so much a factor within this project, but also one to consider is the users...as you will need to identify and understand the needs and capabilities of the users.
The next stage was to begin pick and choosing the best ideas from 'Discover.' Selecting specific ideas, we bought them together and formed plot concepts and small 'prototype movies'...Im our case, a small test to see whether a first person as oppsoed to a third person viewpoint would work.
Actually testing the theories and concepts that we came up with is part of defining the design. As this was a one shot film, there was initially a lot of planning as to how the camera will move throughout the film. Actually REFINING the idea and camera flow happens here, as well as any further additions or improvements.
User testing and feedback is also part of the stage. Product design and website design are great examples of where this is needed.
Delivering the design is the final stage, and one where you can look back at your original assesment criteria to see if it has been a success. Evaluations may include how 'Effective' the movie is at portraying its message and the 'Impact' it creates!